Actor Abhinav Shukla and singer Rahul Vaidya, who grabbed lot of attention with their amazing stint in the controversial reality show Bigg Boss 14, has participated in Khatron ke Khiladi 11. During BB 14, Rahul & Abhinav did not shared good equation and were rivals in the show. The two had lot of fights inside the house. When it was revealed that both Abhinav and Rahul will now be seen competing in stunt based reality show after BB14, fans expected to see the same kind of fireworks that they saw previously between the two.
However, a recent video proves how Rahul and Abhinav, who was once a rivals, has turned buddies in Cape Town. Both the handsome hunks are keeping up the ‘bro code’ in South Africa. Actor Arjun Bijlani, who is also a contestant in KKK 11, has shared a video on his Instagram story where Abhinav and Rahul was seen together enjoying photoshoot.
In the video, Rahul can be seen striking a pose near a private jet in the fields while Abhinav is seen turning photographer for his friend. The two could be seen sharing a moment when Rahul turned muse for Abhinav and posed for a photoshoot. Arjun was seen teasing the two in the background while recording their photoshoot. Arjun says, “Abhinav Shukla, Rahul Vaidya ki photo kheech raha hai aur log kehte hai ke yeh ladte rehte hai.”
Have a look at the video right here:
Abhinav clicked Rahul pics ?? some people fighting here thinking they don't like each other ?? @Thearjunbijlani always brings out the positive side ❣️❣️ @rahulvaidya23 @ashukla09 @Thearjunbijlani #ArjunBijlani #RahulVaidya #AbhinavShukla #KhatronKeKhiladi11 #ArjunInKKK11
— Dhanam? (@dhanam_dhanu) June 1, 2021
Seeing the video, Rahul and Abhinav‘s fans surely can guess that the two have apparently moved on from all that has happened in Bigg Boss 14 and now share a great bond on Khatron Ke Khiladi 11. Well, Fans are super excited to see their camaraderie on the show. Other contestants on the show are Shweta Tiwari, Anushka Sen, Mahek Chahal, Divyanka Tripathi, Aastha Gill, Vishal Aditya Singh, Nikki Tamboli, Sana Makbul, Sourabh Raaj Jain. The show is likely to go on-air in July.
(Image Source: Instagram story-ArjunBijlani)