The popular television show “Anupamaa” continues to have audiences with its engaging storyline and impressive ratings on the BARC charts and increasing day by day. The recent show focuses on Anuj’s return to Anupama’s life. In a dramatic turn of events Anupama and Anuj extend their blessings to the newlyweds, Dimple and Samar.
Malti Devi, witnessing the growing closeness between Anuj and Anupama. She fears that Anuj’s presence may hinder Anupama’s path to success.
Despite Malti Devi’s concerns Anupama adamantly defends Anuj and decides to question him. Anupama firmly believes that Anuj is her unwavering pillar of strength and support.
Vanraj extends an invitation for Kavya to stay in the Shah household. She believes that the news of Kavya’s pregnancy has overshadowed the happiness of her recent marriage.
Despite the family’s divided opinions Kavya expresses her gratitude for Vanraj’s support while acknowledging the need for time for acceptance. Baa takes the opportunity to taunt Anupama insinuating that she will leave like a guest and not return from America.
Also Read: Anupamaa Update: Nakul Try To Brainwash Malti Devi Against Anupama
As the story of “Anupamaa” unfolds, audiences eagerly await the outcome of Anupama and Anuj’s blossoming relationship, the dynamic between the newlyweds, and the evolving circumstances surrounding Kavya’s pregnancy. The show continues to offer a compelling narrative that keeps viewers hooked to their screens.