Bigg Boss 13 winner Sidharth Shukla is currently in Chandigarh, Punjab shooting for her upcoming project with Shehnaaz Gill. This is the second project of Sidharth and Shehnaaz together. The duo was last seen together in music video Bhula Dunga sung by popular Indian singer Darshan Raval.
Fans are already super excited to see SidNaaz together on screen once again. Sidharth–Shehnaaz fans are eagerly waiting for their project and are keeping a close eye on them.
Just while ago, Sidharth lifted everyone’s ‘weekend mood’ by giving the glimpse of his ‘travel diaries’ on social media. Sidharth has begun the shooting for his much-awaited project with Shehnaaz Gill, and in between the shoot he is also visiting the city. And, it looks like Sidharth has fall in love with Punjab, as he is fully enjoying travelling and driving. The handsome hunk also visited Gurudwara after the shoot. He shared couple of video clips from his shoot location, vanity vans and his visit to Gurudwara. In one clip, Sid was seen entering in his vanity van as the crew members gives him a warm welcome for his ‘shoot day’.
In another clip, he seen enjoying driving car and in last one he was seen outside a Gurudwara. Sidharth seen in a red hoodie t-shirt and his head was covered with a handkerchief as he visited Gurudwara. Fans has shared these video clips on their pages.
Take a look at the Posts right here:
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(Source: Instagram)