Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput sudden demise has left the entire nation numb. Actor Prince Narula‘s wife and former Bigg Boss contestant Yuvika Chaudhary took to her social media handle to demand justice for late actor Sushant Singh Rajput. Yuvika urged people to not stop raising their voices till the time we actually know the right reason of Sushant‘s demise with proofs.
It’s been almost a month to Sushant‘s tragic demise, but it is still hard to believe that he is no more with us. The young talented actor reportedly died by suicide in his Mumbai apartment on June 14, 2020. The postmortem reports of Sushant revealed that he died due to asphyxia because of hanging. Mumbai police haven’t recovered any suicide note at the place. However, Police is investigating the case closely.
There are several speculations which doing rounds on social media regarding Sushant‘s tragic death. People are suspecting something fishy in the case. They even insisting that this is murder that is being concealed. And, they are asking Justice for Sushant and demanding CBI Probe in actor’s case.
Sushant‘s untimely demise has created a lot of anger among people towards Bollywood Industry. Fans are continuously asking justice for Sushant and demanding CBI investigation into his suicide case. Not only fans, many celebs and politicians also constantly demanding CBI investigation in actor’s suicide case. It includes politician Roopa Ganguly, actor Shekhar Suman and Payal Rohatgi among others.
Now, Former Bigg Boss contestant Yuvika Chaudhary has come out and demanded Justice for Sushant Singh Rajput. Taking to her twitter handle, Yuvika tweeted, “#JusticeForSushant why he died. how he died. We want to kw. Don’t close the topic till the time we actually kw the right reason with proofs.”
Take a Look at her tweet:
Yuvika also posted a story on Instagram demanding justice for SSR.