Popular actor Sidharth Shukla has been making lot of headlines nowadays. The handsome hunk is currently in news for his upcoming web series Broken But Beautiful Season 3. He will be seen opposite to Sonia Rathee, who’s making her acting debut with Ekta Kapoor‘s most anticipated web series Broken But Beautiful 3. The show will premiere tomorrow May 29 on ALTBalaji.
In the series, Sidharth will be seen essaying the role of a theatre director ‘Agastya
Now, in an interaction with Koimoi, the Bigg Boss 13 winner talked about creator Ekta Kapoor ahead the release of web series. Sidharth shared his happiness on collaborating with Ekta Kapoor. He also mentioned that he had wanted to do it on TV as well.
The actor said. “I think it’s fantastic that Ekta Kapoor has taken that move and gotten into OTT. Of course, she’s doing wonderfully well for herself. I’m really happy to have had a collaboration with her. Though unfortunately, it did not happen on TV but at least now, on the OTT we have. Best wishes to both of us, please. Hoping that we do well!”
BBB 3 produced by Sarita A Tanwar and Niraj Kothari of 11:11 Productions and directed by Priyanka Ghose. Apart from Sidharth Shukla & Sonia Rathee, the web series also stars Ehan Bhatt, Manvir Singh, Jahnavi Dhanrajgir, Bishakha Thapa, Taniya Kalrra, Saloni Khanna Patel among others.
(Image Source: Instagram-SidharthShukla, EktaKapoor)