Star Plus’ show Anupamaa has been making lot of headlines, the story keeps the viewers hooked. The show is constantly ruling the BARC TRP charts with high ratings. The show stars Rupali Ganguly, Sudhanshu Pandey, Madalsa Sharma and Gaurav Khanna in pivotal roles. In the ongoing track, Vanraj is trying hard to create differences between Malvika and Anuj. Other hand, Anuj-Anupama are coming close slowly.
The latest episode saw Anuj and Anupama going on date. Anuj teaches Anupama how to play badminton and he saw two ladies making fun of Anupama, he made them go away by calling them “didi”. Later, Anupama saves Anuj from falling into a cliff and hugs him tightly in fear. Anupama gets worried and asks him what if he would have gotten hurt. Anuj tells Anupama that with her nothing can happen to him.
Anuj-Anupama’s sweet moments and adorable chemistry has left fans in awe. They’re drooling over Rupali Ganguly-Gaurav Khanna’s beautiful onscreen chemistry. Since morning, #Anupamaa is trending on Twitter as fans are showering love on the duo.
Have a look at Fans reactions:
The FIRST #MaAn HUG~ a thread ❣️
— GK_Musings (@ShayarKapadiaa) February 2, 2022
Two pristine souls departed by destiny 26 years ago entwine in each other’s arms today! She hasn’t confessed to him yet, but is madly in love & couldn’t ebb her fear of losing him to what could have been a fateful end!#Anupamaa #AnujKapadia
The hand hold, the fear, intensity, the tight hug, comfort in eo arms, the slight breeze, the dholna song?? has my?❣️ I would like to stay here forever..??
— trupti deshpande (@truptideshpan11) February 2, 2022
COME WHAT MAY they are going to hold each other tightly and overcome all the difficulties BEWARE RAVANRAJ #Anupamaa
— ??? (@nushwhoosh) February 2, 2022
the way they've held each other i’m not okay#Anupamaa | #MaAn | #AnujKapadia
Flustered #Anupamaa and flirty #AnujKapadia ????
— Dr.Pallavi Tari (@pallavitari) February 2, 2022
And Anuj saying that
"Haan me" imitating Anu
Such cutus in love
Meanwhile, the show is gearing up for a high-voltage drama. The channel has dropped the new promo where Anupama yells at Vanraj telling him to stop playing his dirty games with Mukku. Anuj asks Vanraj to stay away from Malvika and in return he can get whatever he wants from him. Vanraj puts condition in front of Anupama-Anuj in return of breaking partnership with Malvika.
Anupamaa, produced by Rajan Shahi and his mother Deepa Shahi under their banner Shahi Productions Pvt Ltd. The show is based on Star Jalsha’s Bengali series Sreemoyee. There’s also a Marathi version of the show which runs on Star Pravah titled Aai Kuthe Kai Karte. The show also stars actors like Alpana Buch, Arvind Vaidya, Paras Kalnawat, Aashish Mehrotra, Muskan Bamne, Shekhar Shukla, Nidhi Shah, Anagha Bhosale and Tassnim Sheikh.
ALSO READ: Anupamaa Trends on Twitter, Fans goes crazy over #MaAn’s chemistry after makers drops Anuj-Anupama’s romantic BTS pictures
(Image Source: StarPlus)