It’s been 4 months to Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput‘s tragic demise. Sushant was found dead at his apartment on 14 June 2020, a week after his ex-manager Disha Salian died. Many people feels that both the deaths are linked with each other. Disha Salian was died reportedly falling from the 14th floor of her building in Malad, Mumbai.
While the CBI is probing Late Actor’s case, the latest reports suggests that Sushant‘s gym partner and friend Sunil Shukla has approached the High Court seeking CBI probe into SSR‘s former manager Disha Salian‘s death.
As per PTI report, Sunil Shukla thinks that Sushant‘s death is linked to the death case of his former manager Disha Salian, which is why the CBI should probe Disha‘s death case too. Sunil Shukla was Sushant‘s gym partner and friend.
According to PTI reports, Sunil Shukla claimed in his petition that both Sushant Singh Rajput and Disha Salian died under ‘suspicious circumstances’. It also mentioned that the Mumbai Police haven’t considered several aspects while investigating Disha Salian‘s demise.
The petition stated that Sunil Shukla has documentary evidence to prove that Disha and Sushant were in touch from March to April 2020. He further added as the CBI is already investigating Sushant‘s death and so, Disha‘s death case should also be transferred to the CBI.
Also Read: Sushant Singh Rajput Case: CBI Opposes Rhea Chakraborty’s FIR against Late Actor’s Sisters; Calls it “Presumptive and Speculative”
(Source: PTI)