Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s sister Shweta Singh Kirti seeks justice for her late brother and requests for CBI probe. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court heard the petition filed by Rhea Chakraborty about transferring the case from Patna to Mumbai. After hearing the petition on Tuesday, Supreme Court reserved judgment on the actor’s case and asked all parties to submit brief written notes by Thursday, August 13, i.e today.
Just while ago, Sushant Singh Rajput‘s sister Shweta Singh Kirti shared a picture of herself holding a white card, which reads, “I am sister of Sushant Singh Rajput & I request for #CBIForSSR.”
In her tweet, She asked Justice for her brother Sushant and requested for CBI. Shweta asks everyone to help her family and the whole world to know the truth behind her brother’s demise. She tweeted, “It’s time we find the truth and get justice. Please help our family and the whole world to know what the truth and find closure, otherwise we will never be able to live a peaceful life!!#CBIForSSR Raise your voice and demand #JusticeForSushantSinghRajput #WarriorsForSSR.”
Have a Look at her Tweet:
Soon after Shweta‘s tweet, Netizens started trending hashtag #CBIForSSR demanding Justice for Sushant and requesting for CBI.
Have a Look at the tweets by fans:
Also Read: Sushant Singh Rajput Death Case: Shekhar Suman Wants Rhea Chakraborty to be Arrested; Says, “Rhea ab Rheah nahi ho Sakti”
(Source: Twitter)