Bollywood actor-singer Shekhar Suman forms ‘Justice For Sushant Forum‘ to pressurize the government for CBI Inquiry in Sushant singh Rajput suicide case. The forum would also be a front to fight against the ‘mafias’ in the Bollywood Industry. Shekhar Suman is saddened with the tragic demise of Sushant Singh Rajput.
Recently, Shekhar expressed his disappointed in a tweet by saying that he is not able to believe that a strong-willed and intelligent man like Sushant would end his life without leaving behind a suicide note. He also mentioned in his tweet ‘that there’s more than what meets the eye’.
After the demise of actor, there are several debates on social media has started related to nepotism, Bollywood’s hypocrisy & more. Sushant‘s demise has raised several questions in the minds of people that what was the reason that the actor took such a drastic step. His fans are not believing that he could do Suicide. They all asking Justice for Sushant and demanding CBI Inquiry for actor’s suicide case by trending on twitter. Some of his close ones are also not believing the fact that Sushant has committed suicide and are suspecting foul play in his death. Among them is also, actor Shekhar Suman.
Now, Shekhar has decided to start a forum on Sushant‘s name. To pressurize the Government for CBI inquiry in late actor’s suicide case.
Just while ago, Shekhar tweeted, “Im forming a Forum called #justiceforSushantforum.where i implore just about ev one to pressurize the govt to launch a CBI inquiry into Sushant’s death,raise their voices against this kind of tyranny n gangism and tear down the mafias.i solicit your support.”
Take a Look at his tweet:
Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput sudden demise has left the entire nation shocked. Sushant Singh Rajput passed away on 14 june 2020. As per reports, Sushant has committed suicide due to depression. The provisional post mortem report revealed that the cause of his death was asphyxia due to hanging. Police haven’t recovered any suicide note from the place. Mumbai Police has doing the further investigation.
Justice for Sushant singh Rajput ❤❤ ???
Sushant Singh Rajput murdered and we beg ???for CBI inquri pl… Pl…. Pl.