Actress Kangana Ranaut Team says that the actress wants to record her statement in connection with Sushant Singh Rajput case. But she doesn’t get any response from Mumbai Police. In a recent interviews with Republic TV, Kangana Ranaut has revealed that she has been summoned by Mumbai Police for interrogation in SSR‘s suicide case.
However, Kangana will not be able to visit the Mumbai police station as she is currently in Manali. The actress has asked them to send someone to take her statement.
Now, Kangana‘s team has tweeted that Mumbai Police hasn’t sent a formal summon to Kangana in connection to the ongoing investigation into Sushant Singh Rajput‘s death case. Her team revealed that Kangana‘s sister Rangoli Chandel has only been getting casual calls from the police.
Her team tweeted along with a screenshot of Rangoli‘s chat with police officer on Whatsapp. It reads, “There is no formal summon sent to Kangana. Rangoli keeps getting casual calls from the cops for past 2 weeks. Kangana wants to record statement but we don’t get any response from @mumbaipolice. Here’s a screen shot of message Rangoli ji sent to @mumbaipolice.”
Take a look at the tweet by Kangana Ranaut’s Team:
There is no formal summon sent to Kangana , Rangoli keeps getting casual calls from the cops for past 2 weeks, Kangana wants to record statement but we don’t get any response from @mumbaipolice, Here’s a screen shot of message Rangoli ji sent to @mumbaipolice
— Team Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) July 22, 2020