Popular TV/Film actor Karanvir Sharma, who is currently grabbing lot of attention for his character Shaurya in star plus show Shaurya Aur Anokhi Ki Kahani, has now spoke about the atmosphere on sets amid COVID-19 scare and how has he been keeping up himself. As we all know that due to lockdown, shooting is not happening in Maharashtra. Currently, the entire cast and crew of Shaurya Aur Anokhi Ki Kahani is in Goa for shooting.
Speaking about shooting, the Zid actor told India Forums, “I have always been on the edge since COVID started, it is always like it is an additional headache because you have to sanitize yourself, wear your masks as soon as the shot is done, so I think it is really tiring, more than the performance, where the external factors generally tire you more. With the increasing number of cases, getting tested regularly, the idea is to eliminate crowded shoots and be safe.”
Karanvir further spoke about the atmosphere on the sets of SAAKK and mentioned, “You come across a lot of different opinions about the situation, where somebody feels vaccination is the cure, somebody feels something else. For me, I think if you follow the SOPs, your chances of getting the infection are very less. We need to learn from Vietnam or the Arabs, and all these places that have controlled it brilliantly. There are some actors who also feel it is just flu, then there are actors who feel they have to be very very cautious, and that is how you deal with the situation. I am totally against cloth masks and I always tell everyone to wear an N95 or the surgical mask, in case you have a breathing issue.”
Shaurya Aur Anokhi Ki Kahani is one of the most loved show on Television, produced under DJ’s a Creative Unit which aired on 21 December 2020. The series is a remake of Star Jalsha’s Bengali series Mohor. It stars Karanvir Sharma and Debattama Saha as Shaurya and Anokhi respectively.
(Image Source: Instagram-KaranvirSharma)