Few days back, Rhea Chakraborty was granted bail by the Bombay High Court in drug case related to Sushant Singh Rajput death case, while her brother Showik‘s bail plea got rejected by court. Amid all this, there were several reports were doing rounds that suggests actress Rhea Chakraborty met Sushant Singh Rajput on June 13, a day before his demise.
Now. Rhea‘s lawyer, Satish Maneshinde has released a statement clarifying about the same. Satish Maneshinde quoted saying, “I had said that once Rhea Chakraborty is out on bail we will start going after people, who defamed and tried to destroy her life n morale, for a two-minute glory on electronic media carrying fake news.”
He added, “One such person was Dimple Thawani, a neighbour of RC who claims she is an SSR fan and believes she is his soulmate due to a past life connection. She claims that someone told her that SSR dropped RC home on the 13th.”
Satish Maneshinde further stated, “It’s a baseless rumour by a fan, who is part of the media circus and wants to share the limelight with others who claim to know SSR. Her statement was recorded by CBI today and you will all be glad to know what she said to CBI in her statement. I would request all honest Journalists to go to her now and record what she has to say. Satya Meva Jayate.”
Also Read: Bombay High Court Grants Bail to Rhea Chakraborty, Sushant’s staff Samuel Miranda, Dipesh Sawant; Showik Chakraborty’s bail plea Rejected again
(Source: The Times Of India)