The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is probing the mysterious death case of Sushant Singh Rajput. Now, as per latest update in SSR‘s death probe, the AIIMS team in its report to CBI has ruled out the theories of murder. It was reported that AIIMS have submitted their conclusive report to the CBI team has ‘ruled out’ murder theories.
After AIIMS reports, Sushant‘s case main accused Rhea Chakraborty‘s lawyer Satish Maneshinde has released a statement over the same and stated that truth cannot be changed. His statement reads, “The official papers and report are only with AIIMS and CBI which will be submitted in court once investigations are over. We await the official version of CBI. We on behalf of Rhea Chakraborty have always said that truth cannot be changed under any circumstances. The speculations against Rhea in some quarters of the media are motivated and mischievous. We remain committed to truth alone. Satyamev Jayate.”
Meanwhile, post AIIMS conclusive report, CBI’s special investigation team will continue to probe the abetment to suicide angle in Sushant singh Rajput‘s death case.
Also Read: Sushant Singh Rajput Case: AIIMS Rules Out Murder Theory; CBI likely to probe into “abetment to suicide”
(Source: Pinkvilla)