Bigg Boss 13 contestant Rashami Desai shared a beautiful video of herself dancing on Nora Fatehi‘s dance number ‘Kamariya‘ from movie Stree. Rashami Desai looks stunning showcasing her amazing dancing skills, she is undoubtedly a fabulous dancer. The actress has grabbed lots of headlines during her stint in the reality show.
The actress is currently spending her quarantine time with her family. Rashami is making her most of the time interacting with her lovely fans through social media. Rashami is very much active on social media and always seen posting pictures, videos and doing live chats with fans to keep them entertained amid lockdown.
Just few hours ago, Rashami shared a beautiful dance video on her Instagram handle for her fans. The actress looks beautiful while dancing on Nora Fatehi‘s super hit dance number Kamariya from the film Stree.
Rashami is undoubtedly a fabulous dancer. She looks gorgeous in a white off-shoulder crop top with orange skirt. Sharing the video, Rashami captioned the post as, “Dance is always a good idea #ForeverMood #Bollywood.”