Ekta Kapoor‘s popular TV show Naagin 4 is all set to go off-air. The cast of the show all set to shoot for the final four episodes in the upcoming days as the shoots expected to resume soon. Naagin 4 starring Nia Sharma, Vijayendra Kumeria, Anita Hassanandani and Bigg Boss 13 contestant Rashami Desai, who joined the show just before the lockdown.
According to the recent reports of PinkVilla,
A source told Pinkvilla, “Apparently, Nia‘s character Brinda will kill Vishaka (Anita Hassanandani), Shalaka (Rashami Desai), and Dev (Vijayendra Kumeria) will also get killed. Later, Brinda will be murdered with the laal tekdi mystery brought to a proper end. The makers were contemplating how to begin the fifth season and are still working on the story.”
Talking about the decision to end the season 4 of Naagin, Vijayendra Kumeria quoted, “I got a call from the production house before the things were out in media and I thought it was nice of them to inform us otherwise there are times when we just read things in media first then you get shocked. They spoke to me and told me the reason that a show like Naagin cannot start from the middle again and get the same kind of attention. That is the reason which was given to us.”
Soon after the Naagin 4 ends, Ekta Kapoor all set to come up with the 5th season of Naagin.