Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut has been forefront and very vocal in her fight for justice for Sushant Singh Rajput. The actress has also slammed nepotism, Bollywood mafia’s and big biggies of film Industry. However, recently there were reports about Sushant Singh Rajput‘s family lawyer Vikas Singh claiming that Kangana Ranaut running her own agenda.
Reacting to the rumours being spread, Kangana tweeted that the lawyer never said anything against her. Now, Sushant‘s sister Shweta Singh Kirti has shared lawyer Vikas Singh‘s clarification on remarks he made on Kangana Ranaut, and dismissed rumours against Kangana. After which, Kangana thanked Shweta Singh Kirti.
Sushant‘s sister Shweta has shared a video of their family lawyer Vikas Singh‘s interview in India TV. In which, Vikas seen clarifying his remarks he made on Kangana. Sharing the video, Shweta wrote, “I salute each and every warrior of Bhai… you guys are our strength and real hero in every which way. Right now our goal should be to stay united for the right cause. Requesting unity and understanding. #Warriors4SSR #JusticeForSushant.”
In the video, SSR‘s family lawyer Vikas can be seen saying that neither him nor anyone else has a complaint against Kangana. He said that she raised her voice against the discrimination in the film industry, and Sushant too had been a victim of it. He clarified that all he had said was that Sushant‘s death didn’t seem to have a direct connection.
Have a Look at the video:
Replying to Shweta‘s tweet, Kangana thanked her for dismissing rumours against her. She wrote, “Thank you Shweta di… Thank you for your kind words, the usual suspects are being mischievous, thank you for squashing all the rumours against me.”
Sushant‘s sister replied to Kangana‘s tweet, “Stay Strong and Fight on!.”
Also Read: Sushant Singh Rajput’s sister Shweta applauds SSR warriors and CBI probe; Says ‘investigation is unfolding & progressing’
(Source: Twitter)