Star Plus show Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin has been grabbing lot of attention with immense drama and twists. The show stars Ayesha Singh, Neil Bhatt, Harshad Arora in key roles. The ongoing track revolves around Pakhi leaving Virat and Chavan house forever which leaves Vinayak heartbroken. Vinu is upset with Virat as Pakhi left house because of him.
Other hand, Sai promises Vinu that she will bring back Pakhi to him and she puts an advertisement on newspaper to find Pakhi. Further, Sai and Satya goes to kuldevi temple for rituals along with family. Satya holds Sai in his arms and climbs stairs to reach temple. Savi gets happy as Satya climbs all stairs holding Sai in his arms. She clicks a selfie and sends to Harini informing her that she topped the class.
Harini informs Ashwini and others that Savi came first in class. Ashwini, Sonali gets happy seeing Savi’s picture. At the same time, Bhavani gets call from a political party leader, who mocks her for talking about protecting the rights of women when her own daughter-in-law left the house. Bhavani gets shocked and asks how did he know about her family’s matters. He asks her to see the newspaper where Pakhi’s photo is printed on missing section along with a request to return home.
ALSO READ: Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin: Virat gets furious seeing Savi’s closeness with Satya, Sai adamant to find Pakhi
Bhavani gets furious and blames Sai for putting an advertisement to find Pakhi which ruined her family’s reputation. She goes to temple to confront Sai and questions her for putting the advertisement. Sai points out at Vinayak’s situation but Bhavani tells that she doesn’t have to think about Vinu. Bhavani blames Sai for taking away Vinayak’s happiness and that she is the reason for all bad things that is happening in their life.
In the upcoming episode we will see Ashwini calling Virat asking him about Pakhi’s whereabout if he found her. Virat tells her that he trying to find her as Ashwini says Vinu is hoping to meet Pakhi. Later, Virat gets a call and the person informs that they have found a dead body of a woman at the railway track and have brought her to the hospital. Virat gets scared hearing the news as he thinks about Pakhi.
Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin produced by Cockcrow Entertainment and Shaika Films. Its a remake of Star Jalsha’s Bengali series Kusum Dola. The show features actors like Aishwarya Sharma, Kishori Shahane, Vihaan Verma, Bharti Patil, Sheetal Maulik, Mitaali Nag. Yash Pandit, Siddharth Bodke among others.
(Image Source: StarPlus, Hotstar)