Bollywood filmmaker Hansal Mehta wrote an emotional note after watching late actor Sushant Singh Rajput‘s final film Dil Bechara. Sushant Singh Rajput untimely demise has left everyone shattered. The actor breathed his last on 14 June 2020. As per reports, Sushant has committed suicide at his Bandra apartment in Mumbai.
The postmortem reports revealed that he died due to asphyxia because of hanging. However, Mumbai Police is investigating the case closely.
Just few hours ago, Sushant‘s upcoming film Dil Bechara‘s trailer has released. The film also stars Saif Ali Khan and debutante Sanjana Sanghi in key role. Dil Bechara is a directorial debut of Mukesh Chhabra. It is based on John Green‘s 2012 novel The Fault in Our Star. The film’s trailer has left everyone emotional.
After watching the trailer filmmaker Hansal Mehta took to his twitter handle and wrote an emotional note. The filmmaker wrote, “The #DilBecharaTrailer has left a lump in my throat. Can’t believe this young boy with such a beautiful smile is no more. He looks so alive in the trailers. Cruel. Very cruel.”
Take a look at his tweet:
Talking about the film’s trailer, it has received a amazing response from viewers. In just 9 hours it has crossed 16 Million views on Fox Star Hindi YouTube Channel with 4 Million+ Likes. And, on Disney Plus Hotstar YouTube channel it has crossed 1.4 Million views in Just 9 hours.