The much awaited trailer of producer Ekta Kapoor‘s upcoming web series Broken But Beautiful 3 starring Sidharth Shukla and Sonia Rathee is finally released by makers. BBB3 also marks Sidharth and Sonia‘s debut on OTT platform. In the web series, the Bigg Boss 13 winner will be seen portraying the role of a theatre director ‘Agastya Rao‘ while Sonia will be seen as ‘Rumi‘.
Fans are already super excited to see Agastya and Rumi‘s love story. The trailer is out and receiving a outstanding response from viewers. Sidharth Shukla and Sonia Rathee both took their social media handles and shared the trailer leaving all fans impatient for web series release. Sharing the trailer, the duo wrote, “Broken But Beautiful 3 Trailer. Sometimes, falling out of love can be more empowering than falling in love. #BrokenButBeautiful3 streaming on 29th May on @altbalaji.”
Have a look at the post right here:
The trailer & cast is superbly amazing, Sidharth–Sonia‘s flawless expressions, smooth transitions, emoting through eyes, dialogue delivery, voice modulation, body language everything is just perfect. The heartbreaking love story of Agastya and Rumi will surely touch the viewers hearts. The duo is setting the screen on fire with their sizzling chemistry in the trailer.
Apart from Sidharth & Sonia, the web series also stars Ehan Bhatt, Manvir Singh, Jahnavi Dhanrajgir, Bishakha Thapa, Taniya Kalrra, Saloni Khanna Patel among others. BBB3 will stream on 29th May, 2021 on AltBalaji.
(Image Source: YouTube: ALTBalaji)