Popular ITV actor Sidharth Shukla, who gained immense popularity with his amazing stint in the reality show Bigg Boss 13, is all set to make his digital debut with Ekta Kapoor‘s Broken But Beautiful 3. The handsome hunk has recently shared the trailer of his upcoming web series which has received an outstanding response from viewers. He will be seen opposite to Sonia Rathee, who’s making her acting debut with BBB 3.
Sidharth will be seen essaying the role of a theatre director ‘Agastya Rao‘ while Sonia will be seen as ‘Rumi Desai‘. Fans are super excited to see Agastya and Rumi‘s love story. For now, the actor is grateful to be working during the pandemic. In an interaction with Mid-Day, Sidharth shares, “To find yourself employed in such trying times is a blessing. We managed to shoot in the midst of the first wave. The best part was that we filmed at length for a couple of months, and nobody on the set contracted the virus. We had a big unit.”
Shukla is happy that his character Agastya is different from that good-boy characters which he played in his earlier shows like Balika Vadhu and Dil Se Dil Tak. “I have always played subtle and good-boy characters who are righteous. But Agastya is arrogant, opinionated and rebellious. He puts his point forward and doesn’t care about what the other person thinks. I relate to him. After what people have seen of me on my last show [Bigg Boss 13], I am sure they don’t think of me as subtle and quiet,” laughs the actor.
Taking on the mantle from Vikrant Massey and Harleen Sethi, who led the much-loved first two seasons of BBB 3, comes with its share of responsibilities. Sidharth admits of being nervous as he says, “Broken… is a great franchise to be a part of, for my OTT debut. When this project came my way, I loved the narration. I was a bit of nervous because it’s a new platform for me; [I was worried] about how people will perceive it, and whether they will accept it. [That said], I am confident about the product.”
Apart from Sidharth & Sonia, the web series also stars Ehan Bhatt, Manvir Singh, Jahnavi Dhanrajgir, Bishakha Thapa, Taniya Kalrra, Saloni Khanna Patel among others. BBB3 will stream on 29th May, 2021 on AltBalaji.
(Image Source: Instagram-SidharthShukla)