Bollywood superstar Salman Khan‘s popular reality show Bigg Boss is all set to return on TV with it’s 14 th season. Since the Bigg Boss 13 had over, Salman Khan‘s reality show continuously making headlines for it’s upcoming season. As we all know, Bigg Boss 13 was one of the most popular season in the history of reality show. The show topped the TRP charts throughout the season.
The 13th season made lots of headlines from it’s controversies to fun and drama. Soon after the show got over, rumours of Bigg Boss 14 started doing the rounds on social media. From celebrity and commoners being approached To Salman Khan hiking his fees, from it’s release date to show’s new theme, Bigg Boss 14 making lots of news headlines.
Now, as per reports in Pinkvilla, makers of the reality show making some major changes in Bigg Boss 14. Bigg Boss season 14 will see a ‘huge’ change in the format, and it will have a lockdown connection.
As per reports, the makers of the reality show all set to introduce a new format, which will be influenced by the COVID-19 lockdown situation in the country. The lockdown will be a major highlight in the 14th season of Bigg Boss. The show will also have a new social distancing rule. There is a high chances that the tagline of the upcoming season will be ‘Bigg Boss 14 Lockdown edition‘.
In all the previous seasons of the show, the contestants were not allowed to interact with the outside world. But in this season it is going to be extremely different. The makers of the show is mulling over new rules, that might allow housemates to take their cell phones and use it to interact with the world outside the BB 14 house.
The reports also suggest that the BB 14 inmates will use electronic gadgets to make vlogs or send video messages to their loved ones.
Also Read: Bigg Boss 14 Updates: Salman Khan Charging Whopping Rs 16 Crore For The Show?
(Source: Pinkvilla)