In the latest Weekend Ka Vaar episode of Bigg Boss 14, We saw host Salman Khan schooling contestants and also introduced three wild card contestants. Bigg Boss 14 seemed rather dull in the past couple of days, especially after the exit of Seniors. Now, as the wildcard contestants has entered the house we are expecting extra drama and entertainment in coming days.
In latest episode, we saw actors Shardul
In latest preview, we saw contestants Nominating each other and giving reasons for the same. During the task, Rahul Vaidya will nominate Jaan Kumar Sanu and his reason will leave everyone in shock. Vaidya tells his reason to nominate Jaan is ‘nepotism’. Rahul feels that Jaan‘s entry into the house is only based on the idea of nepotism and him being singer Kumar Sanu‘s son. Later, Rahul Vaidya and Jaan both will get into heated argument.
Have a Look at the Promo:
Also Read: Bigg Boss 14: Salman Khan Addresses Jasmin Bhasin As ‘Television Ki Katrina Kaif’ As She Replies To His Question Innocently
(Source: Twitter, Bigg Boss)