Star Plus show Anupamaa has kept the viewers glued to the TV screens with immense drama. The show stars Rupali Ganguly-Gaurav Khanna in lead. The current track of the show revolves around Anupamaa lashing out at Pakhi as she puts all blame on Vanraj for her broken relationship with Adhik. Meanwhile, Police comes as Barkha filed complaint against Vanraj and Pakhi after Pakhi tried to blackmail Adhik by saying that she will take away her life.
Inspector asks Vanraj and Pakhi if the allegations against them are correct. Bapuji tells police that complaint registered against Pakhi and Vanraj is true. Family gets shocked while Anupama asks Pakhi to accepts her mistake if she wants to save her marriage. Pakhi accepts that she sent a voice note to Adhik threating to take her life if he won’t come. The inspector scolds Pakhi while she apologizes.
The cop takes both Pakhi and Vanraj’s signatures and tells them she is letting them off with a warning this time. Vanraj apologizes to Anupama and others for his mistake. Anuj tells them to end the issue now and let Adhik and Pakhi decide what they want.
Pakhi apologizes to Adhik and asking him to start afresh. Adhik tells Pakhi that he loves her but can’t live in constant fear of her anger outbursts. Pakhi tries to hold his hand but Adhik leaves with family. Pakhi breaks down thinking how she will live without Adhik and she pleads to Vanraj to save her marriage as because of him her marriage is breaking.
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Pakhi rushes outside house to stop Adhik and blames Vanraj, Anupama and Baa for provoking her against him. Adhik stands shocked seeing Pakhi still blaming others for her mistakes. Adhik warns Pakhi to stop creating a scene as he leaves.
In the forthcoming episode we will see Adhik leaving Pakhi alone as he goes back to Kapadia house with Anuj, Anupama and Barkha. Anu feels heartbroken seeing Pakhi shattered as she is all alone after Adhik left her. Anupamaa gets emotional in front of Anuj for leaving her daughter alone when she needed her the most.
Other hand, Barkha says that Pakhi is not mentally stable and she cannot put her brother’s life and peace at risk due to Pakhi’s behavior. Barkha tells that she wants Adhik to divorce Pakhi. Pakhi on the other side cries as she is clueless how to handle her marriage from getting broken.
Anupamaa, produced by Rajan Shahi under Director’s Kut Productions. The show also stars Sudhanshu Pandey, Aneri Vajani, Madalsa Sharma, Alpana Buch, Arvind Vaidya, Paras Kalnawat, Aashish Mehrotra. Muskan Bamne, Shekhar Shukla, Nidhi Shah, Anagha Bhosale and Tassnim Sheikh. It is based on Star Jalsha’s Bengali series Sreemoyee.
(Image Source: StarPlus, Hotstar)