Popular TV and Film actress Ankita Lokhande has shared a lovely video showing the seven wonders of her life. In the video, she explained why mother, father, siblings, children, beloved, friends and grandchildren are so special. The video features a family picture of Ankita Lokhande, which includes her parents, brother Arpan and her boyfriend Vicky Jain.
Ankita took her Instagram handle and shared a post with caption, “7 Wonders of our life . Can u replace these 7wonders of your life ?? No I don’t think so …Wonders of my life.”
Have a Look at the post:
Meanwhile, Currently The ‘Manikarnika‘ actress is making headlines for supporting her former boyfriend Sushant Singh Rajput‘s family in the fight for Justice. The actress has been actively taking part in Justice campaign and supporting Sushant‘s sister in seeking justice for the Late Actor.
Also Read: Ankita Lokhande Requests A Fan To Remove Late Actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s Funeral Video; Asks to NOT post such videos, Calls it ‘Disturbing’
(Source: Instagram)