Colors TV show Shubhaarambh starring Mahima Makwana and Akshit Sukhija is likely to go off-air. As per reports in India Forums, the team will be shooting for their last tomorrow. While the show has had an impressive storyline, it looks like it did not managed to impress viewers and all set to go off-air.
The show Shubhaarambh went on air back in December 2019, and is soon going to complete a year. Reportedly, the lead actress of the show Mahima revealed that they haven’t heard of anything just yet and there is no official intimation given to them.
Also Read: Bigg Boss 14: Shubharambh’s Akshit Sukhija praises ‘Toofani senior’ Sidharth Shukla; Says, ‘He’s my favourite, I like people who are not double-faced’
(Source: India Forums)