Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput tragic demise has left the entire nation shocked. Mumbai police has been recording the statements of people who were close Sushant. As per reports, police has interrogated 15 people so far including SSR’s rumoured girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty. Now, Sushant‘s friend Siddharth Pitani has visited Bandra Police Station for interrogation.
Bollywood popular actor Sushant Singh Rajput breathed his last on 14 June 2020. As per police reports, the actor was suffering from depression and committed suicide at his Mumbai apartment. The provisional post mortem report revealed that the cause of his death was asphyxia due to hanging.
Just while ago, Sushant‘s friend Siddharth Pitani spotted at Mumbai’s Bandra Police Station. SSR‘s friend Siddharth Pitani reportedly sharing the same apartment in Bandra, Mumbai, with Sushant for the last few months. Siddharth visited at Bandra Police Station to record his statement.
Take a Look at the picture:
The above pictures shared by Fifafooz on their twitter handle.