Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai Spoilers: The current track of Samridhii Shukla and Rohit Purohit starrer revolves around Abhira filing case against Vidya, who is responsible for Abhir’s accident. In today’s episode, Armaan and Poddar family decides to fight case against Abhira and save Vidya from going to jail. Sanjay suggest to lie in court and save Vidya by telling judge that she was not present in the car at the time of accident. However, Armaan refuses to lie in court as he tells Sanjay and family members that he will fight with honesty and save his mom.
Other hand, Manish vows to punish Vidya and send her jail at any cost. Abhira tells Manish to not lie in court as they will fight for justice with full honesty. Both family reaches court for Abhir’s case hearing, while Armaan and Abhira’s differences grows as both fights for their loved ones.
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In the upcoming episode we will see how Abhir’s lawyer provides CCTV footage of accident in the court. In the CCTV footage, Vidya seen hitting Abhir’s bike and leaving him at accident spot in injured condition. The video makes case crystal clear after which judge sentences Vidya to 10 years in jail for the accident. Vidya breaks down and collapse in the courtroom which leaves Armaan and both families tensed.
Seeing Vidya condition, Armaan blames Abhira leaving her heartbroken. After Vidya goes to jail, Armaan decides to part ways from Abhira as he signs the divorce papers in anger. Abhira breaks down in tears seeing divorce papers as she blames herself for their separation. Driven by guilt and despair, Abhira makes an emotional decision as she also signs divorce papers that Armaan left behind.
(Image Source: StarPlus, Hotstar)