Star Plus show Anupamaa has kept the viewers glued to the TV screens with immense drama. The show stars Rupali Ganguly-Gaurav Khanna in lead. The latest episode saw Vanraj asking Anupama to step back from Dimple’s case after what happened with Pakhi. He calls her decision of supporting an stranger stupid by putting own family in danger. Anupama refuses to change her decision even after she got attacked by goons and asks Vanraj to realize that Dimple is also someone’s daughter.
Vanraj tells Anu that he is sympathetic toward Dimple but cannot put his family in danger due to her. Just then, Anupama gets a call from the police who informs her that the molesters got arrested. Anupama leaves from Shah house with Ankush and Barkha. At Kapadia house, Dimple secretly tries to leave house while Anuj sleeps. Dimple doesn’t want to create trouble for Anupama and her family, hence, she decides to leave but Anupama reaches home and sees her. Anupama questions her where she is going.
Dimple breaks down saying she doesn’t want them to get in trouble because of her that’s why she is leaving house. Anuj wakes up while Anupama calms her down and stops her from leaving house saying that the molesters got arrested. She tells Dimpy that they have to go to police station to confirm the identity of molesters.
ALSO READ: Anupamaa Upcoming Twist: Anupama to get molesters arrested, Dimpy tries to leave house for Anu’s family safety, Vanraj blames Anu for getting whole family in trouble
Meanwhile, Vanraj asks everyone to be extra cautious and asks Pakhi and Adhik to come and stay in Shah house. But Adhik refuses and says that they will manage by themselves which upsets Pakhi. Later, Pakhi criticizes Anupama saying after marriage parents would want their children to be happy but in her case, her mother only ruined her life. Pakhi says that her mother is only bothered about other girls except her own daughter. Adhik reprimands Pakhi and tells her that Anupama isn’t wrong.
In the forthcoming episode we will see police bringing the boys inside the cell and asking Dimple to identify them by their faces. Dimple starts panicking seeing her culprits while Anupama’s blood too starts boiling as she spots that boy smiling shamelessly even after being caught for such a venomous crime. Dimple gets furious thinking about whatever happened and kicks at one of the culprit with anger.
Anupamaa, produced by Rajan Shahi under Director’s Kut Productions. The show also stars Sudhanshu Pandey, Aneri Vajani, Madalsa Sharma, Alpana Buch, Arvind Vaidya, Paras Kalnawat, Aashish Mehrotra. Muskan Bamne, Shekhar Shukla, Nidhi Shah, Anagha Bhosale and Tassnim Sheikh. It is based on Star Jalsha’s Bengali series Sreemoyee.
(Image Source: StarPlus, Hotstar)