Colors’ TV show Udaariyaan is touching new heights of success with each passing episode. The show stars Ankit Gupta, Priyanka Choudhary, Isha Malviya and Karan V Grover in pivotal roles. The ongoing story of the show revolves around Jasmine conspiring against Tejo to take revenge while Fateh keeping watch on Jasmine’s every movement to protect Tejo. Other side, Angad has turned possessive for Tejo and wants to marry her.
Angad calls Khushbir to fix wedding date of his and Tejo as soon as possible. Other side, Buzzo and Rupy knows the truth about Fateh. However, they both has shut their mouths as Fateh doesn’t wants to reveal anything.
Angad has turned selfish as he hides Fateh’s truth from Tejo. He is scared of losing her. Now, Angad wants to make his fake engagement with Tejo real by marrying her.
The show is now gearing up for high-voltage drama. Fateh and Jasmine’s truth will come out in front of everyone. Fateh has warned Jasmine to stay away from Tejo or else she have to face his wrath.
It will be interesting to watch how both the families will react on learning about Fateh-Jasmin’s fake marriage.
Udaariyaan, produced by ITV couple Ravi Dubey and Sargun Mehta under their production banner Dreamiyata Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. & Devirosh Films. The show also stars actors like Lokesh Batta, Chetna Singh, Virsa Singh Riar, Abhishek Kumar, Ram Aujla, Rashmeet Kaur Sethi, Abhiraaj Chawla among others.
(Source: serialgossip)
ALSO READ: Udaariyaan Promo: Fateh WARNS Jasmine to stay away from Tejo; Says, ‘Before harming Tejo she have to face him’
(Image Source: ColorsTV)