Star Plus popular TV show Saath Nibhaana Saathiya is all set to return on television with season 2. The channel has recently released the promo of the show featuring Gopi Bahu Aka Devoleena Bhattacharjee. Now, there is a piece of shocking news as the season of the show will replace TV show Yeh Rishtey Hai Pyaar Ke.
As per reports in the The Times Of India, Yeh Rishtey Hai Pyaar Ke which originally aired at 10 pm, was recently moved to the 9 pm slot, making way for Shahi‘s Anupamaa – is now all set to go off-air soon.
Now, confirming the news to the leading portal, producer Rajan Shahi mentioned that he also got the news today. However, the whole team will continue shooting with the same energy and excitement until they bid adieu to the audience.
He even mentioned that it has a great time shooting with the team and they had a good run and also created a lot of memories. Also, he mentioned that the show is a brand and never know might return back.
Also Read: Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 2 Promo: Devoleena Bhattacharjee Aka Gopi Bahu RETURNS with the new season of the show
(Source: TOI)