The CBI is investigating the mysterious death case of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput. The late actor’s death case is taking new twist and turns, From money laundering to drug nexus angle, the case is getting more complex and complicated with each passing day. There is also the later actor’s former manager Disha Salian‘s death case that has link with SSR‘s case.
Now, in a recent interview with Republic TV, Sushant Singh Rajput‘s friend Yuvraj Singh has made some shocking revelations against Disha Salian‘s fiance Rohan Rai and his alleged involvement in SSR‘s case.
Yuvraj stated that the investigation is going fine, but believes that it’s high time the CBI moves ahead and files an FIR as we can’t have a slow-moving system. He claimed. “It is clear that it is a double homicide. We’ve been asking to catch Rohan Rai and get his narco-analysis done. The case finishes there. If we catch him, everything will be clear.”
He added that the current narcotics probe is a sort of diversion that has been created. Yuvraj further requested Sushant‘s family to come upfront and talk. Speaking about SSR‘s family lawyer Vikas Singh‘s claims that the late actor’s death was definitely by strangulation, Yuvraj feels that the probe should be moving really fast as there are too many cover-ups.
He concluded to Republic TV, “First thing to crack this case is to catch Disha Salian‘s fiance. Sushant‘s money was swindled. He was sedated, he was kept in the dark, he was kept away from his family — this is a planned murder. I understand the impatience of Sushant‘s fans but don’t lose hope. The truth will be out soon.”
Also Read: Sushant Singh Rajput Case: NCB Chief arrives in Mumbai to take stock of the Bollywood drugs probe
(Source: Republic TV, Pinkvilla)