Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput mysterious death case is taking new twist and turn by each passing day. Now, as per latest development in the case, Sushant Singh Rajput‘s driver and first witness of the CBI, Dhirendra, has spoken out claiming that neither did his boss consume drugs, at least till he used to drive him around, nor was he capable of committing suicide.
Well, these statements of SSR‘s driver directly dismisses Rhea Chakraborty‘s claims that she made earlier. He also revealed that Sushant maintained good relations with his family members, this statement by driver also raises doubts over Rhea‘s remarks.
Speaking to Republic TV, Sushant Singh Rajput‘s drivers claimed, “I had gone to him (Sushant) when Kedarnath had released (It’s unclear from this statement if he had driven the actor around till Kedarnath had released or began doing so after the film had released).”
The driver added, “He never took any drugs then. He wasn’t depressed back then, He always worked wearing suits. He played badminton, table tennis, and cricket. He was always happy and spoke very nicely with all of us. He was never depressed. He always followed his schedule. He used to swim. There was no sign of depression. He sometimes used to drive his cars. We used to follow him. Sometimes, we used to drive, and he used to sit.”
Talking about Sushant‘s relationship with his family, Dhirendra stated, “He had a good relationship with his family. Priyanka didi and his brother-in-law used to visit him. They used to visit him when I was around. Priyanka didi was even present during Chhichhore‘s shoot. His brother-in-law was also there.”
Lastly, dismissing the suicide theory, Sushant Singh Rajput‘s driver stated, “That man can never commit suicide. He can never do that because he lived a good life. He used to keep himself busy most of the time.”
Also Read: Rhea Chakraborty Gives 20 Page Statement; Says, ‘Sushant Singh Rajput confessed A Filmmaker Introduced him to Drug Parties’
(Source: Republic TV)