Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput passed away on 14 June 2020. It’s been almost two months of his demise, his fans, loved ones are still fighting for his justice. Recently, the Centre has approved CBI probe in late actor’s death case.
Meanwhile, Sushant Singh Rajput‘s family members have been trying to keep his fond memories alive through every possible means. Sushant‘s sister Shweta Singh Kirti has been actively sharing several posts related to his brother on social media.
Now, Shweta has shared a picture of his father with brother Sushant. In her post, She praised her father KK Singh and penned a note for him. It reads, “Our Dad… the person from whom we have learnt, how to be a fighter!! How to be eternally positive against all odds. He is our strength, our pride!! #OurDadIsTheBest #Warriors4SSR #justiceforsushant #godiswithus.”
Take a look at her post:
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(Source: Instagram)