A week before Sushant Singh Rajput demise, his former manager Disha Salian died on June 08, 2020. After Disha‘s death, Sushant was feared for his life. As per reports, Sushant had tried to call Rhea Chakraborty “several times” and even made a distress call to his sister Meetu Singh on June 9, 5 days before his tragic death.
According to a report on Times Now, Sushant Singh Rajput was trying to get in touch with Rhea, who had “blocked his calls” after leaving him on June 8. The channel claims that the actor reached out to his sister, alleging “Ye mujhey phasayenge (They will frame me).”
In his conversation with sister, he also alleged that he was scared and feared for his life, saying “mujhey maar denge (They will kill me).”
Also Read: Ambulance Driver Who was called to Carry Disha Salian’s Corpse Reveals that her body was taken in a private car; Also Describes Horrific Injuries
(Source: Times Now)