Currently, The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has been investigating the mysterious death case of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput. The investigating agency has interrogated several people in connection with the Late Actor’s death. Now, as per latest reports, it was revealed that the CBI will record the statements of Siddharth Pithani under section 164 of CrPc which makes it admissible in the court of law.
As per Times Now report, Sushant Singh Rajput‘s house help Neeraj‘s statement may also be recorded under the same section. As per reports, Neeraj, who was reportedly the last person to see Sushant, has maintained his statement. Neeraj has confirmed to the channel that Sushant was in the habit of consuming curated marijuana. Not only this, Neeraj has also confirmed that Rhea‘s brother Showik Chakraborty and Samuel Miranda scored drugs for the late actor.
Neeraj has also given the information on the sequence of events that took place when they first found Sushant‘s body. He revealed that it was the late actor’s brother-in-law OP Singh that instructed them over the phone to bring the body down. Neeraj had offered juice and water to the actor on the morning of 14 June when the tragic incident took place. Reportedly, Neeraj is currently in Delhi and will appear before the court as and when needed.
Also Read: After Siddharth Pithani, Sushant Singh Rajput’s Cook Neeraj Likely to Turn Witness for CBI in Late Actor’s Death Case
(Source: Times Now, Pinkvilla)