Today Morning, the Supreme Court has announced its verdict in Rhea Chakraborty‘s plea seeking transfer of the case from Bihar to Mumbai. Rhea filed this plea in SC after Sushant Singh Rajput‘s father KK Singh filed an FIR against her in Patna. In its historic judgement, Supreme Court directs CBI investigation into Sushant Singh Rajput death case.
Sushant‘s father KK Singh has labelled serious allegation against Rhea Chakraborty and 5 others in his FIR. Sushant‘s father also mentioned in the FIR that the transfer of Rs 15 crore was made to an unknown account from Sushant‘s bank account. Now, as per latest development in the case, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) confirmed that a huge amount of cash was withdrawn from Sushant Singh Rajput‘s account before his death.
As per Republic TV reports, ED has found out that in a short period of time, “big cash withdrawals” are visible in Sushant‘s bank accounts. A top source close to the ED revealed to Republic TV, “In totality, almost Rs 60 lakhs in cash have been withdrawn from Sushant Singh Rajput‘s account. The ED is investigating the rationale behind such cash withdrawals, sources said. Both ATM and self cheque withdrawals are visible.”
Also Read: Supreme Court Directs CBI in Sushant Singh Rajput case to Probe; Mumbai Police Told To Cooperate
(Source: Republic TV)