Actor Sushant Singh Rajput untimely demise has left the entire nation shocked. The actor breathed his last on June 14, 2020. The actor died due to suicide in his Mumbai residence. The postmortem reports of Sushant‘s revealed that he died due to asphyxia because of hanging. Mumbai police haven’t recovered any suicide note at the place. However, Police is investigating the case closely.
Since after the news of Sushant Singh Rajput suicide, his fans, several actors and politicians have been constantly demanding CBI probe into the matter. It includes Shekhar Suman, Roopa Ganguly, Payal Rohatgi among others.
There are several speculations which doing rounds on social media regarding Sushant‘s tragic death. A section of people suspects foul play, and have been demanding CBI inquiry in the case. They even insisting that this is murder that is being concealed.
Recently, Ex-Cabinet Minister and current BJP MP Subramanian Swamy has appointed advocate Ishkaran Singh Bhandari to process all the required documents for a possible CBI investigation in connection to Sushant Singh Rajput‘s suicide.
Now, advocate Ishkaran Singh Bhandari wrote an letter to Mumbai Police Commissioner for the forensic examination of all electronic evidence of all people connected to Sushant Singh Rajput‘s case.
Taking to his twitter handle, Ishkaran Singh Bhandari tweeted, “I have written a letter to Police Commissioner of Mumbai, to preserve and do through forensic examination of ALL ELECTRONIC EVIDENCE, phone, computer, etc of all people connected to Sushant Singh Rajput Case!”
In his another tweet, he shared pictures of the letter along with a video link. He tweeted, “My letter to Mumbai Police, to preserve and Forensic examination of all electronic evidence, CCTV, laptop, Phone etc. Along with SC judgements Justice to Sushant Singh Rajput @Swamy39.”