The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is investigating the Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput‘s death case. The agency has interrogated several people in connection with late actor’s death. Now, as per latest development in Sushant Singh Rajput‘s death probe, Siddharth Pithani will record his statement with the CBI under section 164 of the CrPc.
The CBI is all set to record the final statement of Sushant Singh Rajput‘s flat mate and friend, Siddharth Pithani. He will be the first accused to record his statement under this section to the CBI. After this statement, Siddharth Pithani will not be allowed to change or tweak his statement in court. Previously, Pithani had changed his statements during the probe.
According to Republic Media reports, Siddharth may also turn a CBI Witness as he was one of Sushant‘s closest aides and was present in the Bandra house on June 14 2020, when the late actor died. The other people in the house on June 14 were Sushant‘s staff Dipesh Sawant and cook Neeraj Singh.
During the CBI interrogation, Pithani had claimed that Sushant had fainted upon hearing the news of Disha Salian‘s death, a week before his death. He also claimed that Sushant had said ‘I will be killed’. He had also informed that Sushant‘s girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty, who was in a live in relationship with him left the house with SSR‘s laptop and other devices.
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(Source: Republic Media)