Just few days back, Rhea Chakraborty was granted bail by the Bombay High Court in drug case related to Sushant Singh Rajput death case, while her brother Showik‘s bail plea got rejected by court. Amid all this, there were several reports doing rounds that suggests actress Rhea Chakraborty met Sushant Singh Rajput on June 13, a day before his demise.
After which, Rhea‘s Lawyer Satish Maneshinde stated that the actress will take action against those who tried to defame or destroy her life and morale for two minutes of fame in electronic media. Among the first names that he took is of Dimple Thawani who is Rhea‘s neighbour.
As earlier, Dimple claimed she saw Sushant Singh Rajput with Rhea on June 13, a day before his demise. Now, The actress has filed a complaint against her for making patently false and bogus allegations while trying to mislead information. She has also mentioned in the complaint that Dimple‘s claims about seeing her with Sushant on June 13 are ‘utterly false’.
On October 11, Sunday, The CBI had recorded Dimple‘s statement. However, she said in her statement that it was someone else who saw Rhea and Sushant together on the aforementioned date. She was also unable to provide the details of the person who allegedly saw the couple together. The central agency then reportedly warned her not to speak anything that is not true or acknowledged by her.
Also Read: Rhea Chakraborty’s lawyer dismisses the reports that Sushant Singh Rajput dropped Rhea at her home on June 13; Calls it ‘Baseless’
(Source: The Times Of India)