The CBI is currently investigating the mysterious death case of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput. The case is taking new twist and turns with each passing days. Yesterday, the AIIMS team has submitted the preliminary report to the CBI in the case of actor Sushant‘s demise.
Now, according to the exclusive information received by Republic India in Sushant case, the CBI will reportedly call SSR‘s friends Siddharth Pithani, cook Neeraj Singh, Keshav and Sandeep Singh for questioning again.
As per news report, the new info claims that these three were present in the flat on the day of Sushant‘s passing. Circling back to the AIIMS report, which suggests that the Mumbai Forensic Lab’s medical examination showed great negligence. According to the information, FSL did not test the drugs in the viscera test.
Recently, The CBI has issued an official statement related to the case. In the statement, the CBI said, “In the case of Sushant Singh Rajput‘s death, the Central Bureau of Investigation is conducting a professional investigation and all aspects are being looked into and no aspect has been ruled out so far.”
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(Source: Republic India, Pinkvilla)