Popular TV actor Sidharth Shukla has recently visited a extremely crowded government Office for some work. The handsome hunk took his twitter handle and revealed about the same and expressed his gratitude towards the officials who are putting their lives at risk and providing services without complaining despite rising Corona Cases.
The Bigg Boss 13 winner tweeted, “Visited an extremely crowed Govt. Office and am so grateful to the officials for the services they provide despite the rising corona cases, putting themselves at risk… without complaints.”
Have a look at his tweet:
Visited an extremely crowed Govt. Office and am so grateful to the officials for the services they provide despite the rising corona cases, putting themselves at risk… without complaints ??
— Sidharth Shukla (@sidharth_shukla) March 31, 2021
Sidharth is not much active on social media, however, the actor always takeout time for his fans and keeps sharing motivational messages and thoughts for them. He often replies to their tweets and messages. The actor is quite busy in his upcoming projects shoots nowadays.
On work front, the actor will soon be seen in the Ekta Kapoor‘s ALTBalaji‘s much-awaited web series Broken But Beautiful 3 along with Sonia Rathee. In the web series, the Dil Se Dil Tak actor will essay the role of a theatre director Agastya Rao. Sidharth Aka ‘Agastya‘ will have a dark past and will be heartbroken. He will fall in love with Sonia Aka ‘Rumi‘. Broken But Beautiful season 3 will stream digitally on ALTBalaji and Zee5 app very soon. Fans are already super excited for Sidharth‘s OTT debut.
Apart from web series, Sidharth will seen in the music video ‘Habit‘ along with Shehnaaz Gill very soon. This will be their third collaboration after ‘Bhula Dunga‘ and ‘Shona Shona‘.
(Image Source: Instagram-SidharthShukla)