Actor and Bigg Boss 13 winner Sidharth Shukla approached to play lead in new season of Saath Nibhana Saathiya. Recently, TV show Saath Nibhana Saathiya‘s producer Rashmi Sharma confirmed the new season of the show, that will bring back the popular Gopi and Kokilaben duo on the Television screen.
This announcement came after a rap video of Kokilaben ‘Rasode Mein Kaun Tha‘ by Yashraj Mukhate went viral on social media. Well, it is already known that Devoleena Bhattacharjee has shot for a small teaser for the show already and is likely to be back as Gopi.
As per reports in Pinkvilla, a source informed the portal that producer Rashmi Sharma is keen to have Sidharth Shukla on board to play the main lead in the show. A source revealed, “Sidharth is the first choice to play the male lead on Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 2. The makers are currently in the process of enabling a discussion with him. The discussion is currently on a very primary level but if things work out, his fans would be in for a surprise.”
How many of you wants to see Sidharth Shukla playing the male lead on Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 2? Comment below your views.
Also Read: Rupal Patel Dismisses the rumours of approached for ‘Saath Nibhana Saathiya Season 2’
(Source: Pinkvilla)