Popular ITV superstar Sidharth Shukla, who made his digital debut with Ekta Kapoor‘s romantic drama Broken But Beautiful Season 3, has been receiving lot of love for his portrayal Agastya Rao in the web show. The Bigg Boss 13 winner was seen opposite Sonia Rathee, who made her acting debut with this web series.
This new love story, Broken but Beautiful season 3 has left the audiences gushing over its fabulous performances, chemistry, music and emotion. Now, bringing another reason for fans to smile as the imperfectly perfect tale of love and heartbreak will now stream on MX Player from 18th June onwards for FREE.
The series follows the story of Agastya Rao (Sidharth Shukla) and Rumi Desai (played by Sonia Rathee) – two people from very different worlds. Agastya who is an aspiring theatre director falls in love with Rumi Desai, his muse. Both knew what they wanted, but not what they needed. Love came looking for them when they were chasing their obsessions. And their journey comes full circle when they both realize that it is too hard to fall out of love than to fall in it.
The web show has already become one of the highest rated series of this year on IMDb, with a 9.3 ratings. The makers and actors are currently enjoying the high on success of the web show. BBB 3 is produced by Sarita A Tanwar and Niraj Kothari of 11:11 Productions and directed by Priyanka Ghose. Apart from Sidharth & Sonia, the series also stars Ehan Bhatt, Manvir Singh, Jahnavi Dhanrajgir, Bishakha Thapa, Taniya Kalrra, Saloni Khanna Patel among others. BBB1 & 2 lead actors Vikrant Massey and Harleen Sethi did a cameo in 3rd season.
(Image Source: Twitter-SidharthShukla, Logo-YouTube/MX Player)