Popular TV actor Shivin Narang finally opened up on being part of Ekta Kapoor‘s supernatural saga Naagin 5. Recently, Ekta Kapoor has announced the news of Naagin 4 going off-air and also revealed the news of upcoming season. Soon after the news of Naagin 5, there were many speculations started doing rounds on social media regarding the cast. There were rumours of actor Shivin Narang being approached for Naagin 5.
Now, after all such rumours, Shivin finally opened up on being a part of Naagin. In a recent chat with India Today, Shivin quoted saying, “I would not like to comment on anything right now but will confirm once things are finalised. Although, I have done a guest appearance on Naagin once.”
The actor was last in TV show Beyhadh 2, which gone off-air due to COVID-19 lockdown. Shivin was also seen in Colors TV stunt-based reality show Khatron Ke Khiladi 10 hosted by Rohit Shetty. However, the new episodes of the show stopped airing due to the coronavirus lockdown. But, now Shivin has revealed that fans will soon be able to see the remaining episodes of Khatron Ke Khiladi 10. He said, “We are here to entertain our fans and I would like to tell everyone and very soon you’ll be seeing us facing our fears on Khatron Ke Khiladi.”
As per reports, Khatron Ke Khiladi 10 finale will be shot at Ramoji Rao Filmcity, Hyderabad. However, nothing has been confirmed by the makers of the show.