Star Plus popular show Shaurya Aur Anokhi Ki Kahani produced under DJ’s, a Creative Unit, starring Karanvir Sharma and Debattama Saha is making lot of headlines nowadays. The show is keeping the viewers hooked with its interesting storyline. Karanvir and Debattama Aka Shaurya and Anokhi is grabbing lot of attention with their sizzling chemistry. Fans fondly calls the duo #ShaKhi and their offscreen hashtag is #DebVir.
In the recent episodes of SAAKK, we saw how Shaurya makes a master plan to get married to Anokhi without her knowledge. Anokhi believes that he’s getting married to Shagun. Amid all this, Shaurya & Anokhi’s family performs the wedding rituals with Anokhi secretly. In the upcoming track we will see how Anokhi confesses her love to Shaurya and also get to know about Shaurya‘s master plan the he was getting married to her.
Meanwhile, shows’ lead actors Karanvir Sharma and Debattama Saha have been constantly sharing fun-loving BTS pictures and videos from the sets. Recently, Karanvir commented on Debattama‘s Instagram post asking whether Badi maa would accept Anokhi or not? But, Anokhi is quite affirmative about Badi maa’s decision she is sure to be accepted in the family. It will be interesting to see how will Badi maa actually react to Shaurya and Anokhi‘s marriage.
SAAKK also stars Alka Kaushal, Falaq Naaz, Sooraj Thapar, Pankaj Kalra, Khalid Siddiqui, Deepa Parab, Harsh Vashisht and Reema Worah. SAAKK is a remake of Star Jalsha’s Bengali series Mohor.
(Source: TellyChakkar)