The CBI, ED has been investigating Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput death case and now NCB has also joined the probe after drug angle came revealed in the case. The investigation is currently going on, now as per latest reports in Times Now, Rhea Chakraborty‘s neighbor claims that the late actor Sushant Singh Rajput was kept in Rhea‘s apartment for 3 months post their Europe trip.
As per Times Now reports, Rhea‘s neighbor alleges that the actress’s family used to do black magic. She told the reporters, “Ask her mother, she will tell you how to do black magic. One hundred percent Sushant was murdered.” But none of her claims have been verified. The neighbor didn’t reveal her name either. Apart from that, she also added that she is one of Sushant Singh Rajput‘s die-hard fan.
Reportedly, the lady who claimed to be Rhea‘s neighbor also stated that the actress’ maid knows everything. This is not the first time claims of Rhea performing black magic in her house were stated. Earlier also Sushant Singh Rajput‘s ex-manager Ankit Acharya allegedly claimed that Rhea Chakraborty did mysterious ‘poojas’ in her home. The late actor’s cook, Neeraj Singh had also claimed that the actress did black magic pujas in her home.
Also Read: Ankita Lokhande Slams Rhea Chakraborty’s claims that Sushant Singh Rajput was claustrophobic; Shares a video of SSR flying a plane
(Source: Times Now)