The CBI, ED and NCB has been investigating Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput case. The NCB team has been investigating drug angle in Sushant Singh Rajput case. The agency has recently arrested actress Rhea Chakraborty‘s brother Showik Chakraborty and SSR‘s staff members Samuel Miranda, Dipesh Sawant in connection with drugs.
Now, as per latest reports, actress Rhea Chakraborty is arrested by Narcotics Control Bureau in connection with drug angle.
ANI reported, “Actor Rhea Chakraborty arrested by Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in Mumbai: KPS Malhotra, Deputy Director, Narcotics Control Bureau.”
Take a Look at the tweet by ANI:
Actor Rhea Chakraborty arrested by Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in Mumbai: KPS Malhotra, Deputy Director, Narcotics Control Bureau
— ANI (@ANI) September 8, 2020
Also Read: Shweta Singh Kirti Slams Rhea Chakraborty Over Fake FIR Against Sushant Singh Rajput’s Sister Priyanka; Says, “Nothing’s Gonna Break Us”
(Source: ANI)