Actress Erica Fernandes and actor Parth Samthaan, who grabbed lot of attention with Ekta Kapoor‘s show Kasautii Zindagii Kay as Prerna and Anurag, is one of the most loved on-screen pair on Television. The duo has won millions of hearts with their adorable chemistry. The two has become a household names with their portrayal of Prerna and Anurag.
Erica and Parth both once shared an extremely special bond. After the show, the rumours were doing rounds that Parth was having problems with Erica, and the two weren’t on good terms. When Erica wasn’t seen in Parth’s birthday party, the rumours intensified.
Now, in an interview with TV-Radio host Siddharth Kannan, Parth has cleared the air on the differences he has with Erica. During the interaction, the actor said that these are all baseless rumours and his life is surrounded with only controversies. He also revealed that ace producer Ekta Kapoor told him that even if he stands still without doing anything, controversy will come his way.
Parth further said that sometimes he is shocked to read the things that come out. News on his problems with his co-stars or Erica or on the reason he left a show being his incompatability with others. All these are only rumours and there is no truth to them. He is good friends and cordial with all.
Currently, Parth is grabbing attention for his amazing performance as Nawab in ALTBalaji web series Main Hero Bol Rahu Hu. The web show is receiving a great response from viewers.
(Image Source: Instagram-Erica Fernandes, Parth Samthaan)