Pandya Store is getting higher and higher in drama after genarational leap (Pandya Store Spoiler). People are liking Dhawal and Natasha pairing and waiting for them to fall in love. Now the big twist will hit the show when they will have a unwanted marriage against their will.
Previously we have seen, Makwanas tries to convince Suman for selling store. They sad sorry for their act and tells their problems. They reminds Suman of Pandya family. She laughs. Natasha asks the reason of her laugh. Suman changes the topic by saying they can’t sell the shop as they have their emotions attached to it. She sends them back. Then tells Natasha that they reminds her of Pandya family.
Pandya Store Written Update
On the other hand, Harish tells Amrish that after Natasha rejecting offer. Other businessmen are also in doubt about offer. He tells they need 50% more bigger shop in mall. Amrish agrees to his offer and thinks he will change the contract papers later as per his wish. Further he gets to know that Suman don’t wants to sell shop not Natasha.
Natasha asks Suman to not act. Suman fixes Natasha meeting with Nitin in mall for next day. Natasha asks her to tell about her kidney problem first as they can’t make relation on lie. Suman decides to tell after fixing alliance.
Natasha goes to library. She and Dhawal fights in Library, and librarian locked library mistakenly. Dhawal and Natasha worries.
In the upcoming episodes, Dhawal and Natasha will be stucked inside library. Pranali will inform Amrish that Suman and Natasha is not ready to sell shop and Suman will give Pandya Store in Natasha’s dowry. Amrish will force Dhawal to marry Natasha to save her respect and get Pandya Store. As they spent night together in Library.
Pandya Store Spoiler: Dhawal’s Trap for Natasha
Will Dhawal and Natasha agree to marry each other? Will they fall in love? Keep reading our site for further updates.
source: disney + hotstar