Popular Indian singer Neha Kakkar ties the knot with beau Rohanpreet Singh. After creating lot of buzz about their love life and wedding, the couple has finally got married, in a private wedding ceremonies.
Neha and Rohanpreet married as per Sikh tradition and took laavaan pheras in a gurudwaras. There are several videos of duo’s wedding ceremony have been doing rounds on social media and their adorable chemistry is all hearts. In the video, the couple was seen taking their pheras as in a gurudwara and were accompanied by their family members.
Have a look at the Video:
Congratulations to Neha Kakkar and Rohanpreet Singh on their special day.
Also Read: Neha Kakkar and Rohanpreet Singh CONFIRMS their Relationship; “You’re Mine”
(Source: Instagram-TeamNehaKakkar)